Hello to everyone in the Epilepsy Foundation of Houston, TX. I’ve been part of the foundation always to offer my support and encouragement to everyone with epilepsy. So for today, …

Hello to everyone in the Epilepsy Foundation of Houston, TX. I’ve been part of the foundation always to offer my support and encouragement to everyone with epilepsy. So for today, …
For many parents, raising a child in today’s society is wrought with its own set of challenges. You worry about their health, their safety, their education, and their ability to …
Epilepsy is complex, and selfish. Seizures can happen any day at anytime. Never hesitate to ask questions, and to always express present concerns. A helpful tip is to keep a …
I’m Danny, I have 16 years, I think my biggest difficulty now in my life is that I take several medicines to control epilepsy and that will not let me …
Even though epilepsy may be a lifetime, there are so many new treatments available today that with the right treatment algorithm, you can have a very active and normal life. …